Saturday 14 April 2012



Growing up, akara was one of those breakfasts that we looked forward to eating on Saturday mornings. My father loves this so much, in fact he was the reason we ate akara. My husband on the other hand, does not joke with akara too. Each time I prepare moi-moi, he will always say, “leave some for akara”. So I decided to incorporate akara in our meal roster.

This recipe is quite easy but for those of us living here, might be a bit difficult. Here we go!


1 onion
1 pepper
Frying oil for deep-frying
1 cup of Nigerian brown beans or black-eyed beans


Soak the beans in warm water for about 5-10 minutes. Drain, the briskly rub the beans between the palms of your hands to remove the skins.

Return the beans into a bowl, top up with cold water, so the skin floats to the surface. Discard the skins. Repeat this process until all the skins are cleared.

Soak the beans in a boiled water and leave for 6 – 8 hours or overnight.

Place the beans in a blender or food processor with ½ onions, add very little water about 3 tablespoons. Process to make a thick paste. Pour the mixture in a bowl and whisk for few minutes.

Cut the pepper and remaining onions, add into the mixture, add salt to taste or a cube of knorr. Whisk for a few minutes.

Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok, spoon mixture and fry for about 4 minutes or until golden brown, Drain on kitchen paper and the serve.


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